March 5, 2009

Drawing 101

Putting up some work from my drawing 101 class. We're given a chance to fix them up more for a better grade, so I guess these are just works in progress. I would have worked more on these regardless since I have more rendering to go, anyway:

It's a tree branch.

This one is a block of Roma Plastilina still in its wrapper with sculpting tools surrounding it and a bottle of galkyd in the back, all rested on a big piece of canvas lit up by a soft yellow flashlight.

This last one is a setup of multiple paper bags the middle one was a white freezer (buthcher) paper type of material, the one on the left was a gray norsdtrom bag, the surrounding ones were regular brown bags and the one near the bottom was a brown starbucks bag with a orangey tint layed over the face of the bag.

That's it.

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