June 14, 2009


Couple of stuff I found rummaging through my room (Most of it not finished), I'm pretty sure the third one is from this semester (ack):

Moving on

Some of these are from my personal studies, some were for class. I have recently come into acquisition of gray scale Pitt Pens, as well as basic colors. They're really nice pens, especially considering the price. I've always wanted Copics, but it's a bit too rich for my blood. These Pitt Pens still achieve kind of the same wash effect. My only gripe on them is they only come in limited hues.

Protip #1: when your Pitt Pen tip gets a little too "brushy", grab a some tweezers, pull the tip out from the trunk; new tip at the other end! Just push it back in with the new tip facing out.

Protip #2: Utrecht brand sketchbooks (even the hardbounds) are not that great for studies in pen, no matter what that label tells you.