July 7, 2008


New test animation coming soon...hopefully. From what I calculated it's going to be around 4 minutes and have 7,000 frames. Storyboard has been completed...I think, now the epic journey that is cutting pieces of paper into smaller bits- by hand, has begun. I really don't want to animate on 2s, but...for the trees, I think I might. The actual bits of paper are about 1"x2". Again, the story is lacking since it's more of a test to see what effects I can achieve, but the synopsis:

After years of escaping reality and not being able to achieve his dreams, the main character- Ilia Tonso, decides to hang himself. Until a latent memory reminds him that life need not be about living, but surviving with one's memories.

Lattice by design

Tried to make an add-on for my lightbox, so that I only have to set my camera on it and snap pictures. Saves editing time on photoshop and keeps still. I think I have to make it a bit bigger and sturdier. Since the cardboard is flexible, I don't get leveled shots, which isn't too bad, but...the idea is not to have to use photoshop later on to resize, rotate, scale, and level off everything.

July 3, 2008

First Run - Putty

After finishing the lightbox, I immediately went to work on an animation test run. I did a simple putty thing with only 15 frames. I think I might can the music and that little box in the lower left next time.

Homemade Lightbox

I've always wanted a lightbox since I saw them on one of them "behind the scenes" segments, on abc I think it was, where they showed how they made animations. They're like 40 bucks now, but when I wanted one only place I could find them sold for $80.

I made it out of a cardboard box, 2 D type batteries, 20-AWG hook up wire, a switch, electric tape, aluminum foil, glue, 3V krypton lamp for flashlights, and a piece of glass I got from a photo frame.

Over all, it works really well. Tricky part was insulating every bit of wire because the aluminum kept catching on fire whenever I exposed it to the live wire. Small space, but...that's fine. I'm not looking forward to replacing the batteries o.0